The gearbox and the clutch are lubricated by the
action of the same gearbox oil. The recommen-
ded oil is SAE 10W 30 / SAE 20W 50, with a
total gearbox capacity of 1000 c.c.
A drainage bolt situated in the bottom right-hand
side of the motor empties the gearbox. It is
recommended that you change the oil when the
motor is still warm, as the oil will flow easier.
Remove the drain plug and wait for the gearbox
to empty completely.
Once it's empty, replace the drain plug. Remove
level plug (See picture.) Fill the gearbox through
Drain plug
Filling cork and
the black plastic filler cap on the top of the gear-
level hole
box), until the oil just starts to run out of the level
Put the screw in its place one time is empty, take
out the cap and fill with 1000 c.c. of oil.