Definition: The Agri-Alert uses passwords to restrict access to the system. If the
system is locked and any key is pressed, the system prompts for a password. When
a correct password is entered, the system is temporarily unlocked. The system locks
itself automatically after one minute if, during this time, no keys are pressed. Pass-
words are defined as four digit numbers and are divided into two types:
(1) The Master Password is used to enable or disable the password feature. Only the
master password has this capability. In addition, the master password is required in
order to define or modify the user passwords.
(2) Up to ten User Passwords can be defined to allow different people access to the
system. A user password can temporarily unlock the system. However, a user pass-
word cannot add or change passwords, or enable or disable the password feature.
When a password is used to acknowledge an alarm, the system keeps track of the
password in the alarm memory. This information is displayed in the Alarm Memory
function when the current password is the master password (see Section 3.2). When
you first turn the unit on, the password feature is disabled and the master password is
set to 9600.