selection of the user.
When starting the device, you will enter the start menu after a short welcome display. In this
menu, you can mainly select the user and the applicable account for the trainer. Furthermore,
you can create a new user and change user-independent basic settings in the menu item "device
start menu
all menu items in an overview (from left to right):
1 Device settings
In this menu item, you can change user-independent device settings (e.g. changing
the device language, changing the unit of measurement, etc.).
2 Guest user
The guest user is a pre-set user profile. It enables training without requiring any
settings. In the guest user profile, no training results are saved. Furthermore, no
personal settings are possible.
3 Individually created user (designated with name)
On the right of the guest user, up to 4 individually created users will appear. They
are designed as personal user accounts for the people training regularly on the
equipment. The account enables personal settings and saves personal training
4 Create new user
In this menu, a new individual user can be created. When selecting this menu
point, name and age must be entered. also, the user may select a profile face.
Then, the new user will be added to the start menu.
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