With these removed, the rear mudguard assembly can be lowered away from the bike and rested
upon the rear tyre, as shown in picture 11.
Feed the wiring out from underneath the seat and disconnect the connectors (it is advisable to mark
on the connectors which pair match, to aid re-fitment). Access to the number plate illuminator
connector is easiest from the side where the side cover was previously removed, as shown in
pictures 12, 13 & 14.
The rear mudguard assembly can now be removed from the bike as shown in picture 15. On the
underside, remove the M5 button head bolt and detach the frame from the mudguard, as shown in
picture 16.
Re-fit the aluminium mudguard to the bike using the two bolts on either side that mount into the
subframe, before loosely tightening, as shown in picture 17.
Take the self-adhesive foam supplied (item 17), and fit to the underside of the mudguard on either
side and at the very back, as shown in pictures 18, 19 & 20.
Take the licence plate bracket (item 2 – TB0187 Part 1) and fit the R&G tail light (item 1 –
LA0002) to the bracket, as shown in picture 21. Fit one length of heatshrink to the wires and
tighten the nuts on the rear, as shown in picture 22.
If fitting OEM Indicators
Remove the OEM indicators from the mudguard frame by cutting the cable ties and removing the
indicator mounting bolt, as shown in picture 23.
To fit the OEM indicators to the R&G Tail Tidy, re-fit the indicator to the mounts on the tail tidy
and fit the M6 x 16mm long button head bolt, M6 washer & M6 nyloc nut through the mounting
hole, before tightening, as shown in pictures 24, 25 & 26.
If fitting R&G Mini Indicators
To fit the R&G Mini Indicators, first fit the rubber bung (item 5) into the round hole and then the
R&G Mini Indicator through the hole with the slot, before fitting the nut and tightening, as shown
in pictures 27 & 28.
In order to fit the R&G indicators, the OEM indicator wiring needs to be "cut & shut". To do this,
cut the indicator wiring about 2cm from the connector, strip back the wires and fit the two bullet
connectors (item 3 – CON0004) supplied.
Fit the bullet connectors on the R&G indicator and OEM loom together as follows:
If fitting R&G Aero Indicators with LED's the yellow wire on the Aero Indicators connects with the
black/red or black/blue wire on the OEM wiring and the black wire on the Mini Indicators
connects with the brown wire on the OEM wiring. 1x set of RGR0001 resistors (available
separately) are required to achieve the correct flash rate.
If fitting R&G Mini Indicators with bulbs, the black/white wire on the Mini Indicators connects
with the black/red or black/blue wire on the OEM wiring and the black wire on the Mini Indicators
connects with the brown wire on the OEM wiring.
If fitting R&G Mini Indicators with LED's, the black/white wire on the Mini Indicators connects
with the black/red or black/blue wire on the OEM wiring and the black wire on the Mini Indicators
connects with the brown wire on the OEM wiring. 1x set of RGR0001 resistors (available
separately) are required to achieve the correct flash rate.
Fit one length of heatshrink supplied (item 4) to protect the indicator wiring on both indicators.
Unit 1, Shelley's Lane, East Worldham, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3AQ
Tel: +44 (0)1420 89007 Fax: +44 (0)1420 87301
R&G Racing