2. Set the value to 50 via the [+/-] keys
3. Save the value by pushing both keys simul-
Scaled indication at 100 %
1. Set the function switch to position [6] (dis-
play max.)
2. Set the value to 2650 via the [+/-] keys
3. Save the value by pushing both keys simul-
Decimal point
Since the range of the example tank is between
50 l and 2650 l, you need all 4 decimal places
for the digital indication.
1. Set the function switch to position [5] (Deci-
mal Point)
2. By pushing the [+/-] keys, you move the
decimal point
3. Save the value by pushing both keys simul-
Set the function switch to position [ 1 ]
(relay 1 on). For the given example, select
the value 90.0 (90.0 %) with the [ +/- ] keys.
The internal relay 1 then switches on when
this value is reached. Save the value by
pushing the two keys simultaneously.
Set the function switch to position [ 2]
(relay 1 off). Select the value 10.0 (10.0 %)
with the [ +/-] keys. The internal relay 1 then
switches off when the value falls below this
value. The respective relay control lamp
lights when the relay is energized. If the
switching points are too close together
(< 0.1 %), the appropriate LED flashes. The
relay takes on the safe condition. In mode
"OPERATE " an error message is outputted
on the display.
If you want to control additional relays, pro-
ceed in the same way, as with relay 1. The
switch positions for setting the respective
relays are stated in the list of the function
switch under "Setup procedure".
If you want to change the mode (i.e. the
switching function of the relays), you
have to exchange the On and Off values.
VEGAMET 381 Ex • 4 ... 20 mA signal conditioning instrument
7 Maintenance and fault rectification
Maintenance and fault
If the instrument is used properly, no special
maintenance is required in normal operation.
Rectify faults
Causes of malfunction
Maximum reliability is ensured. Nevertheless,
faults can occur during operation. These may be
caused by the following, e.g.:
Measured value from sensor not correct
Voltage supply
Interference in the cables
Fault rectification
The first measures to be taken are to check the
input/output signals as well as to evaluate the
error messages via the display. The procedure
is described below. In many cases, the causes
can be determined in this way and faults can be
24 hour service hotline
Should these measures not be successful,
please call in urgent cases the VEGA service
hotline under the phone no. +49 1805 858550.
The hotline is manned 7 days a week round-
the-clock. Since we offer this service worldwide,
the support is only available in the English
language. The service is free, only standard call
charges are incurred.
Fault message
The signal conditioning instrument and the
connected sensors are permanently monitored
during operation and the values entered during
parameter adjustment are checked for plausibi-
lity. If irregularities occur or in case of incorrect
parameter adjustment, a fault signal is triggered.
In case of an instrument defect or line break/
shortcircuit, a fault signal is also triggered.
The fail safe relay deenergises in case of failure,
the failure indication lights and the current
output jumps to 22 mA. In addition, one of the
following fault messages is outputted on the