C50S • C80S • C120S • C150S • C200S
Thank you for choosing our product!
Being traditionally a partner for families, HAJDU Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt supplies
customers' demands by ofering state-of-the-art, superb quality and environment
friendly household appliances.
Our objectives include the establishment of reputation for the HAJDU trade name
as a regional brand, the increase of its popularity, and the provision of full servi-
ce to European customers being loyal to the HAJDU products. High quality and
reliability are key attributes of our products already proven in the households.
Extensive and reliable service support and parts supply are the main strengths of
our services. The protection of the environment and the achievement of a lowest
possible environmental load are key aspects for the Company. We endeavour to
further enhance these attributes in the future. To this end, we have adopted a
certified and standard quality and environmental management system.
The packaging of our products comply with the environmental requirements set
out by law, as proven by our Certificates of Conformity issued in line with the
relevant regulations.
HAJDU Hajdúsági Ipari Zrt.
H-4243 Téglás, outskirts, Lot No.: 0135/9
Phone: 06(52) 582-700 • Fax: 06(52) 384-126
hajdu@hajdurt.hu • www.hajdurt.hu