The following basic procedure will enable you to obtain the first results:
two sessions per
week (for each muscle region) for the first three weeks at medium/low intensity, three sessions
per week for the next three weeks at high intensity.
Intensity must be increased gradually treatment by treatment, without overstraining the
muscles. Suspend training for a few days in the event of fatigue and proceed with the "Fitness
19" program.
FITNESS 8/9 • Fast strength - upper limbs and trunk (8), lower limbs (9).
This program is designed to increase speed in fast athletes and develop it in athletes lacking
the quality. Program duration: 24 minutes.
The exercise assumes a fast pace and the contraction is short, as is the recovery. It is usually
best to complete a three-week basic strength cycle of increasing intensity before using this
program. Then continue with three weeks of fast strength three times a week at high intensity,
almost past endurance during the contraction.
FITNESS 10/11 • Explosive strength - upper limbs and trunk (10), lower limbs (11).
Explosive strength programs increase the explosive power and speed of the muscle mass, with
extremely short, strengthening contractions and very long active recovery times to allow the
muscle to regain strength. Program duration: 24 minutes. It is usually best to complete a three-
week basic strength cycle (fitness 6/7) before using this program. Then continue with three
weeks of explosive strength twice a week. During the contraction, the intensity must be the
highest that can be endured in order to obtain maximum muscle exertion whilst involving the
greatest number of fibres.
FITNESS 12 • Deep capillarization.
This program significantly increases arterial flow in the area treated. Prolonged use of this
program develops the intramuscular capillary network of fast-twitch fibres. The effect obtained
is an increase in the capacity of fast-twitch fibres to withstand strain over extended periods of
For an athlete with good resistance, the capillarization program is very useful for recovery after
intense aerobic work, before anaerobic work and when training is not possible (due to bad
weather or an injury). Program duration: 30 minutes. Recommended stimulation intensity:
medium. Position of electrodes: see photos 01 to 20 in the manual of positions in relation to
the area that you wish to stimulate.
FITNESS 13 • Muscle recovery.
Can be used for all sports, after competitions or the most demanding training sessions, in
particular after long and intense exertion. To be used immediately after exertion. Helps
drainage and winding down, improving muscle oxygenation and helping to discharge synthetic
substances produced during exertion. Program duration: 25 minutes. Stimulation intensity:
medium-low, increased during the last 5 minutes.
Position of electrodes: see photos 01 to 20 in the manual of positions in relation to the
area that you wish to stimulate.
FITNESS 14 • Agonist / Antagonist.
The electronic stimulator produces contractions alternated between 2 channels: during the first
4 minutes of warm-up the 2 channels work simultaneously, during the central work phase (15
minutes) muscle contractions are alternated between Channel 1 (agonist muscles) and
Channel 2 (antagonist muscles). The program is designed to restore muscle tone to the
quadriceps and its antagonist the leg biceps, or the biceps brachii and the triceps. The work
aims at developing strength. With this program, muscle relaxation is obtained by simultaneous
stimulation from both channels during the last 5 minutes. Program duration: 24 minutes.
Stimulation intensity during the contraction: enough to produce good muscle contraction +
voluntary contraction to reduce the sense of discomfort and reach higher intensities. Intensity
IACER S.r.l.
MNPG04 Rev. 03 Ed. 02/09