Sound Mode
ROM Multisample and Drum Kit banks now
called Standard (STD) banks
ROM Multisample and Drum Kit banks are now called the STD
(Standard) Multisample and Drum Kit banks.
The Sound > Basic > OSC Basic page
The Sound > DrumKit > Sample Setup page
Local Multisample banks
Local Multisample banks have been added, and can be selected
depending on the custom banks added in the various markets.
Here are some of the available banks.
Pa500 China
Pa500 Persian
Pa500 Turkish
Note: Local banks only appear on some "localized" models.
Warning: Loading Sounds made with Local Multisample banks on
different Pa500 models may result in the Sound's name appearing
in the display, but producing no sound.
Local Drum Kit banks
Local Drum Kit banks have been added, and can be selected
depending on the custom banks added in the various markets.
See above for a list of available Local bank types.
KORG Pa500 – Operating System release 1.10
Note: Local banks only appear on some models.
Warning: Loading Drum Kits made with Local Drum Sample
banks on different Pa500 models may result in the Drum Kit's
name appearing in the display, but producing no sound.
Fixed Scale
The new "Fixed Scale" option has been added to the Sound >
Pitch > Pitch Mod page,
When this parameter is turned on on an oscillator, Pitch Bend
and Sub Scale have no effect on its tuning. The relevant parame-
ters are greyed out and non-selectable:
This is useful when assigning to the oscillator a noise (like the
breath noise of a reed) with a fixed frequency, that must not
change on different notes and different pitches.
Global Mode
STS Scale/Quarter Tone Lock added
The new STS Scale/Quarter Tone Lock has been added to the
Global > General Controls > Lock page.
When the lock is closed, scale settings will not change when
choosing a different STS or SongBook entry. It does not change
even if a Style is selected, and the SINGLE TOUCH BUTTON is
turned on.
Sound Mode