Fig. steering column and steering wheel
Fig. steering column with steering wheel
Now paint the cockpit floor and the benches
part 4.21 to 4.24 several times with pore filler
as primer and sand. If you want to stain the
wooden parts, you must do this before the
treatment with pore filler.
The parts can then be lacquered with a
colourless glossy or silk matt lacquer.
Fig. cockpit and wooden parts for cockpit
Glue the parts into the cockpit with superglue.
Status September 2018
Fig. benches and floor
The next step is to install the windows, skylight
and companionway.
Fig. Windows
Cut out the windows from the decal sheet and
glue them onto the ABS windows. After pain-
ting the hull, attach to the body.
Fig. skylight
Do the same with the skylight.
Fig. companionway
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Krick Modelltechnik, Knittlingen, Germany