We congratulate you on your purchase of the
model sailing yacht "COMTESSE". This model
is essentially intended for beginners, but also
gives the experienced ship model builder a lot
of pleasure during construction and operation.
To build the model you will need the following
adhesives, fillers and paints:
- Superglue Krick/Deluxe Roket Hot thin (Or-
der-No. 44050)
- Superglue Krick/Deluxe Roket Rapid me-
dium (Order-No. 44051)
- Two-component adhesive 5 min epoxy 100g
(Order No. 80479)
- Wood glue UHU Wood waterproof 75g (Or-
der-No. 48515)
Status September 2018
Building Instruction
Order-No. ro1072
Page 1
- Two-component adhesive Stabilit Express
30g (order no. ro5015)
- Pore Filler (Lord Nelson Pore Filler Order
No. 80110)
- Colour spray white (order no. 320010), blue
210 (order no. 316210), light grey (primer).
- Masking tape 493269
- Ballast (order no. 60102) 2 packs of 1000 gr
- Epoxy resin Aeropoxi Order no. 44010
Krick Modelltechnik, Knittlingen, Germany