Stage 5, the mast, parts 5.1 to 5.21
Glue the pin part 5.2 with 5 min epoxy into the
mast so that it protrudes 14 mm.
Drill the mast part 5.1 according to detail
drawing "5A" and dimensional data.
Fig. drill holes for downhaul and boom fitting
Fig. holes for shroud mounting
Bend 2 plates part 5.11 and 5.13 as shown in
the illustration.
Fig. lamp holder and hanger for shrouds
Screw the two parts to the mast with 2 screws
Status September 2018
Fig. hanger for shrouds and console for top
Hook the S-hook 5.3 into the eyebolt 5.4 and
screw on a nut 5.5. Insert the ring bolt through
the mast and tighten with a second nut.
Fig. mounting of boom fitting and downhauls
Hook the plate for the boom into the eye
socket. Drill a 2.5 mm hole for this purpose
first. Tighten the eyebolt for test purposes. The
plate is glued into the main boom in stage 6.
The shrouds 5.9 are made from one piece of
steel wire. To do this, cut a piece of steel wire
strand for the two shrouds part 5.9 to 2.2 m in
length. Pull the steel strand through the lower
hole of the mast plate to the middle and press
it directly underneath the plate with a crimp
sleeve 5.10.
Abb. Befestigung der Wanten
Die exakte Länge der Wanten wird erst in
Baustufe 8 mit Befestigung der Wantenspan-
ner eingestellt.
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Krick Modelltechnik, Knittlingen, Germany