Cut the railing support 9.13 to length.
Fit slides and supports with washers 9.14 and
push them together with split pins 9.15.
Align and solder the parts as described for the
bow pulpit using the spacer blocks.
Drill and solder the holes for the pins 9.16 of
the railing cables.
Bend the holders 9.17 for the life jackets and
solder them to the upper rear pulpit rail.
Fig. rear baskets with holders for life jackets
Now you can paint the pulpit and the two stern
Status September 2018
Stage 10, Railing and bathing ladder, parts
10.1 - 10.11
Once the hull has been painted, the bow and
stern pulpits and railing supports can be at-
Drill the holes for the railing supports 10.1 with
2 mm at a distance of 120 mm, starting at the
bow pulpit. Insert the stanchions, do not glue
Fig. Installing railing stanchions
Cut the railing cables 10.2 to approx. 1m (extra
Provide the railing cables with a crimp sleeve
10.3 one after the other, push it through the
front split pins 9.9 and push the end through
the crimp sleeve and press it together.
Guide the railing pull through the railing
supports, aligning the supports.
Tension the railing cable slightly, thread it
through the rear split pin 9.16 and press it to-
gether with a crimp sleeve 10.3. Now the rail-
ing stanchions can also be glued.
Bend the U-shaped bathing ladder bracket
10.4 according to drawing "10 A".
Push on and solder the rungs 10.6 provided
with 2 split pins.
A soldering aid consisting of a small board with
corresponding spacer strips helps soldering.
Fig. soldering aid bathing ladder
Fit the lower rung with split pins 10.5 and insert
into the ends of the brackets and solder tightly.
Page 16
120 mm
120 mm
Krick Modelltechnik, Knittlingen, Germany