Programmation à distance
The FORM <INTeger|ASCii|HEXadecimal|BINary> command selects the data format of the
trace transfer.
INTeger: The data transmitted consists in whole numbers, unsigned with a length of 32
preceded by the heading #an. n represents the number of data items to transmit.
a gives the number of figures making up n.
# The transmission for 4 data items (74, 70, 71, 76) is #14JFGL
ASCii: The data is transferred using ASCII characters according to <NR1> numbering from 0
to 255. Each number is separated by a comma.
# The transmission for 4 data items (74, 70, 71, 76) is 74,70,71,76
HEXadecimal: The data is transferred using ASCII characters according to a numbering in
base 16 on 8 bits. Each number is preceded by #H and separated by a comma.
# The transmission for 4 data items (74, 70, 71, 76) is #H4A,#H46,#H47,#H4C
BINary: The data is transferred using ASCII characters according to a numbering in base 2
on 8 bits. Each number is preceded by #B and separated by a comma.
# The transmission for 4 data items (74, 70, 71, 76) is #
# B1001100
To the question FORM?, the device returns the format selected for the trace transfer.
The FORM:DINT <1|0|ON|OFF> command activates or inhibits the trace transfer in DIF
ON|1 activates the trace transfer in DIF format.
OFF|0 the trace transfer data is raw.
To the question FORM:DINT?, the device returns the activation status of the DIF format.
Response format:
DIF format:
(DIF (VERsion <year.version>)
SCALe <sample interval>
SIZE <sample no>
U N ITs "S")
SCALe <ADC step> SIZE 262144
OFFSet 393216
U N ITs "V")
DATA(CURVe (<data block>)))<NL>
<year.version> is a number in <NR2> format giving the year of the SCPI standard used and
the software version.
# : 1999.1 means that SCPI version 1999 is used. This is the first software version of the
remote control management programme.
<sample interval > is a number in <NR3> format.
It represents the time difference between two samples.
<sample no> is a number in <NR1> format.
It represents the number of samples to be transferred. It can vary from 1 to 100 000.
<ADC step> is a number in <NR3> format.
It represents the difference in volt between two consecutive values of the analogue digital
<data block> is a block containing the samples. This data comprises only the values resulting
from the analogue digital converter. This block is in the format specified by the
FORMat[:DATA] command.
The HCOP:SDUM command starts a hard copy.
To the question HELP? [« directory entry »] the instrument answers helping in the SCPI
commands available.
« directory entry » is a key word (short or long form) of first level in the tree of the command.
No distinction is made between small and capital letters.
In absence of parameter, the list of the key words accepted by the function is given. When a
key word is introduced, the list and the syntax of all the commands starting with this word is
returned by the function.