Metrix ScopiX IV OX 9062 Notice De Fonctionnement page 100

Table des Matières


The MMEM:STOR:MACR ,<"file">,<LOCAL|SDCARD> command generates a file ".FCT"
from the specified mathematical function in the chosen file system.
If the file system is not specified, the default file system is used (see MMEM:MSIS and
MMEM:CDIR command).
<"file"> consists in a name of 20 letters maximum, followed by a period and the fct extension.
The MMEM:STOR:STAT <"file">[,<LOCAL|SDCARD|FTP>] command generates a ".CFG"
file from the instrument configuration, in the selected file system.
If the file system is not specified, the default file system is used (see command MMEM:MSIS
<"file"> consists in a name of 20 letters maximum, followed by a period and the CFG extension.
The MMEM:STOR:TRAC <"file.trc">[,<LOCAL|SDCARD>] command generates a ".trc" file
from displayed signals, in the selected file system.
If the file system is not specified, the default file system is used (see commands MMEM:MSIS
<"file"> consists in a name of 20 letters maximum, followed by a period and the TRC extension.
The AVER:COUN <acquisition number|MAX|MIN|UP|DOWN> command determines the
number of acquisition bursts necessary to obtain a displayed trace by averaging.
<acquisition number> is a value in format NR1, from values
2, 4, 16 to 64.
To the question AVER:COUN?, the instrument returns the number of acquisition bursts
necessary to obtain a displayed trace by averaging.
The AVER <1|0|ON|OFF> command validates or devalidates the 'REPETITIVE SIGNAL'
1|ON: signal repetitive validated
0|OFF: signal repetitive not validated
To the question AVER?, the instrument returns the activation status of averaging.
The averaging is only active when the option 'repetitive signal' is validated.
The AVER:TYPE <NORMal|ENVelope> command validates or devalidates the mode of
min/max acquisition.
NORMal devalidates the mode of min/max acquisition.
ENVelope validates the mode of min/max acquisition.
To the question AVER:TYPE?, the instrument returns the activation status of the mode of
min/max acquisition.
The BAND{[1]|2|3|4} <Bandwidth> command limits the channel bandwidth to the value of the
parameter [5 kHz ; 1,5 MHz ; 15 MHz ; 0 (no bandwidth limit)].
To the question BAND{[1]|2|3|4}?, the instrument returns the value of the filter cut-off
frequency [5 kHz ; 1,5 MHz ; 15 MHz ; 0 (no bandwidth limit)].
selects the measurement function on channel 1.
To the question FUNC?, the instrument returns the measure function
to channel 1.
POW3a : Three-phase power with two wattmeter method.
POW3b : Three-phase power on a balanced network with neutral.
POW3b : Three-phase power on a balanced network without neutral.
Programmation à distance


Table des Matières

Table des Matières