4. Maintenance
INSTALLATION and ORDINARY MAINTENANCE operations must be carried out only by SKILLED TECHNICIANS (pa-
ragraph 2.2.1). EXTRAORDINARY MAINTENANCE operations must be carried out only by LEGRAND TECHNICAL
LEGRAND declines all liability for any injury or damage caused by activities carried out differently from the instructions
written in this manual.
The operator is not authorized to install and connect electrically the EBC to the UPS. These operations are the sole preserve
of a skilled technician (paragraph 2.2.1) who must follow the instructions addressed to him in this manual.
Preventive maintenance
The EBC does not contain parts for preventive maintenance by the operator.
The operator must periodically perform:
- a general external cleaning;
- a check to the area surrounding the UPS system to ensure that there is free access to the units.
Periodical checks
The correct functioning of the EBC must be guaranteed by periodical maintenance inspections. These are essential to
safeguard the reliability of the battery cabinet.
These inspections should be made to determine if components, wiring, and connections exhibit evidence of overheating.
The periodical checks involve operations inside the equipment in presence of dangerous voltages. Only maintenance
personnel trained by LEGRAND are authorized to intervene.
Battery maintenance
Contact a skilled technician for battery maintenance.
If necessary, contact the LEGRAND Technical Support Service.
External Battery Cabinet
Keor Compact