Operating with the Remote and Foot Pedal
• The CoPilot and foot pedal can be used for motor control simultaneously.
• The foot pedal and CoPilot remote operate on a first-in-line priority basis. If a button is pressed and held down on the foot
pedal and a button with the same function is then pressed on the remote, the foot pedal will have priority. The remote would
have priority if the remote was first to send the command.
• Multiple functions can be performed at the same time. For instance, AutoPilot can be turned on or off from the remote while
speed is being adjusted on the foot pedal. If the momentary button is being held down on the corded foot pedal, steering
adjustments can be made at the same time from the remote.
• When the momentary button is being held down on the foot pedal, speed increase/decrease and prop on/off will not function
on the remote.
• When the foot pedal has priority over the remote and remote commands are received, the receiver will emit an audible chirp.
This will indicate that the remote is functioning properly however the foot pedal is taking priority.
Operating without the Foot Pedal
• If the foot pedal is not being used, the CoPilot receiver will always react to any commands from the CoPilot remote.
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