The protocol for putting into operation is to be treated as a docu-
ment and serves as the basis for the warranty and guarantee terms.
It is to be filled in completely, in particular the stove data and the
addresses; the work to be performed is to be ticked off on comple-
tion. The signatories confirm with their signatures that all the points
listed have been completed properly.
NOTE: Please return 1 completed protocol for putting into service to
Electrical periphery:
It is important that the connection socket in the electrical periphery
is earthed. The operability of any room thermostat present must be
checked. The execution of commands is to be established by pho-
ning in the case of a GSM modem.
Exhaust gas system:
The exhaust line, stove and combustion air inlet are part of the com-
bustion system as a whole; therefore the correct execution must also
be checked. The plug connections should be tight in general since
the system works with excess pressure. The exhaust tube has a dia-
meter of 100 mm which is sufficient for short distances. In the case
of several changes in direction, the resistance of the exhaust system
can increase with the flue to such an extent that the combustion
quality suffers and/or noises arise from the greater flow speed. The
exhaust line should be executed in DN 130 in this case. Determining
the chimney draught with the unit switched off serves to assess the
flue. If the draught is more than 15 Pa, then a draught limiter should
be installed.
Stove functions:
These are the basic stove functions that are to be checked and ticked
off. The stove is ready for operation if these functions are ensured.
Operator instruction:
This is one of the most important points in the putting into ope-
ration. It is very important that the operator understands the stove
properly and is prepared to assume responsibility for the basic tasks
required for operational safety. In particular the connection between
special features of a biomass heating system and his obligations as
well as the warranty and guarantee terms must be explained. e.g.
non-tested pellets and screw jammers, lack of cleaning or main-
tenance and stove malfunctions. Thorough instruction can prevent
many complaints.
Stove functions:
Explanation of the processes in the stove during ignition, normal
operation, clean phase etc.
Explain operator's possibilities to intervene, empty pellet contai-
ner, room thermostat, GSM modem, functions and settings, program
times if necessary. Operating instructions: Handover and reference
to the content to the following points, is a document.
Warranty terms:
Difference between warranty (statutory) and guarantee (voluntary),
terms of guarantee, determination of wearing parts, reference to pel-
let quality to be used and the consequences of poor quality.
Cleaning instructions:
Ash and dust occurs with a biomass heating unit. The fire trough is
to be cleaned every day with normal heating operation (particularly
the air holes must be free from residues) and the space underneath
the trough is to be suctioned out once a week. flue gas pipes are to
be cleaned once or twice in the heating season depending on stove
type; by a specialist company is best.
Maintenance work after defined burn-off output is to be performed
by a specialist company, including thorough cleaning.
All doors must close tightly to prevent intake of false air.