3. commissioning of the boiler
To correctly light the burner proceed as follows:
1) provide power supply to the boiler;
2) open the gas cock;
3) follow the directions given below regarding the adjustments to be made at the boiler control panel.
Figure 1
IMPORTANT: Domestic Hot Water (D.H.W.) instructions here discribed, are to take in account only if the
boiler is connected to a D.H.W. production system.
Domestic hot water on/off key
Central heating water temperature setting key
Domestic hot water temperature setting key
Reset key
Program access and scroll keys
Program access and scroll key
Parameter setting key (decrease value)
Parameter setting key (increase value)
Data display reset key
Central heating mode setting key
IstructIons pErtaInIng to thE usEr
Operation in domestic hot water mode
Operation in central heating mode
Operation in automatic mode
Operation in manual mode at the maximum
temperature set
Operation in manual mode at minimum tem-
Standby (off)
Outdoor temperature
Flame present (on)
Resettable alarm warning
MAIN display
912.403.1 - IE