D11 / FC11
The display lines
Meaning of the icons in the header line
Charge state of
the battery out-
side of the charg-
Battery full
Battery empty
Battery is being
Signal strength
Header line: Contains some icons (battery charge state,
connection, signal strength
Status line: Contains a status icon and a status text or
multiple status icons for multiple display windows
Up to 3 text lines Contains a number , a name or a mes-
sage text
Footer: Contains the function text for the left and right
Stepless, white display of the battery charge status
from "Battery full" or "Battery half-full" to "Battery almost
empty". The battery of the handset is not being charged.
Green battery icon, frame flashes green: Handset is
in the charger and the battery is charged completely.
Empty battery icon, frame flashes red: Battery
charge is only sufficient for a short time. Place the hand-
set in its charger.
Yellow battery icon with capacity display, frame
flashes yellow: Handset is in the charger, battery is be-
ing charged but is not yet full.
The handset has a telephone connection.
Your handset is within range of a base station. The sig-
nal strength is excellent. You can make a call.