(a) Sit tester on a semi level, fl at surface with an angle of less than 5˚.
(b) This surface should not be vibrating (it can be, but the more stable, the
more accurate the test weight measurement)
(c) There should not be a fan blowing directly on the test cell
NOTE: If the unit was not stable during the measurement process, a warning
will appear before the measurements are displayed. It is recommended the
tester be on a fl at, non-vibrating surface for the readings to be accurate.
Any of these conditions will result in the grain test weight taking a longer time to
measure and not being as accurate as it can be if these conditions are all met.
The entire test cell is sitting on a precision weigh scale mechanism – that's why
it's important to keep it stable (and not to drop the unit or damage may occur).
(a) The closer the grain and test cell temperature are to each other, the better
the results
(b) The tester compensates for temperature but the grain and test cell
temperature should be within 40˚F of each other for best results.
(c) Use the average feature and always average 3 consecutive tests from the
same grain batch. Grains, such as corn, that have a unique geometry, can
sit in the test cell slightly differently each time and add some variance in
your results, so averaging 3 readings will give best results.
NOTE: Though you can hold the unit in your hand for testing, that is not
recommended since it's hard to keep your hand stable and level for the grain
test weight measurement.
NOTE: Store your tester inside your house when not in use. Always store and
transport your instrument in the provided carry case. Remove batteries when
not in use.