"Transmission mode" There are five options to select. For all the modes, only one client can talk to the
server at the same time.
"Full-duplex (Talk and listen simultaneously)" In this mode, the user can talk to the server while listening
sound from the server simultaneously.
"Half-duplex (Talk or listen, not at the same time)" In this mode, the user can talk to the server or listen
from the server, but not at the same time.
"Simplex – Talk only" In this mode, the user can only talk to the server.
"Simplex – Listen only" In this mode, the user can only listen from the server.
"Disable" In this mode, the audio is disabled in both directions.
"Send audio from the active client to all other clients" In half duplex transmission mode, select the
option to talk to the server and broadcast you voice to all the other clients.
"Improve audio quality in low bandwidth environment" If the network camera works in versatile or low
network bandwidth environment, the user can check this option to improving audio quality by sacrificing
some real-time synchronisation.
"Accoustic echo cancellation" In full-duplex mode, the server can play sound from the client and receive
sound from the environment and send it to the client. Since the sound from the client is played by the server,
it will also be received by the server's microphone and send back to the client. That is the client will hear its
echo. Select this option can prevent echo by sacrificing the video frame rate.
"Bit rate" There are three kinds or bit-rate for audio. 32kbps and 24kbps are suitable for music and speech.
8kbps is suitable for speech only.
"url" http://"Network Camera"/setup/audio.vspx
"Network Camera" is the domain name or original IP address of the security network camera.