Advanced Charger Settings
By pressing the MENU key, you switch between the function, setting and data view modes. Select
the setting data screen.
Use the + and – keys to switch between the different parameters. To modify a parameter, press
ENTER and use the + and - keys to change it's value.
All of these settings are independent for each charge output (excepted for the power settings).
Trickle charge
Trickle charge is a low power slow charge that maintains NIMH/NiCd batteries at peak voltage and/or
charge maximal capacity inside the battery. The trickle charge current can be set from 0mA (OFF) to
500mA. Use a lower value for lower capacity batteries and a higher value for higher capacity batteries.
The trickle charge activates at the end of the charge in charge mode, when the "battery charge
complete" message is displayed. The trickle charge is interrupted after 20 minutes or when you return
to the main charge screen. The trickle charge function does not work with LiPo and LiFe batteries.
Charge end voltage
This setting allows you to specify a different charge end voltage to fine tune the charge process. It
can also be used for to make sure that the voltage does not exceed the maximum charge voltage
imposed by certain race organizations (for example the 8.40V limit for 2S LiPo).
The range is 3.2 – 4.25V/cell for LiPo, 3 – 3.80V/cell for LiFe, 1 – 2V/cell for NiMH/NiCd.
Power sharing
This function allows you to adjust the power output for each channel. A higher power output is useful
to achieve higher charge currents with batteries with higher voltage. The output power is adjusted by
moving the cursor to the right or left, depending on the channel for which you want to increase the
output. The default setting is 50/50 (250W channel) and you can adjust it up to 90/10 or 10/90, in this
case the channel with 10% will have 150W of charge power and the one with 90% will have of 350W
charge power. In any case the total charge power is 500W in total (if the power supply allows it).
Power supply voltage
This setting is used to adjust the voltage at which the low input voltage warning will set off, the range
is 10 – 12V.
Power supply current
The charger's software adjusts the maximum charge power according to this setting, the range is
5 – 40A. Adjusting this to the actual output power of your power supply will allow you to know exactly
what the maximum charge current is for your batteries.
Cycle pause time
This setting defines the amount of time the charger pauses between cycles. Longer pauses allow the
battery to cool between the cycles. The range is 0 – 60 minutes.
Team Orion Advantage Twin Spec