Instruction syntax
Here applies the following:
• The instructions are generally sent from the processor (master)
to the laboratory instrument (slave).
• The laboratory instrument exclusively sends on demand of the
processor. Even error codes cannot be spontaneously commu-
nicated from the laboratory instrument to the processor (auto-
matic system).
• The instructions are transmitted in capital letters.
• Instructions and parameters as well as subsequent parameters
are separated by at least o n e blank (Code: hex 0x20).
• Each individual instruction including parameters and data as well
as each reply are terminated with CR LF (Code: hex 0x0D and
0x0A) and have a maximum lenght of 80 characters.
• The decimal separator in a floating point number is the point
(Code: hex 0x2E).
The above statements largely correspond with the recommenda-
tions of the NAMUR-Association. (NAMUR-recommendations for
the design of electric plug connections for the analog and digital
signal transmission to laboratory - MSR individual units. Rev. 1.1).
Overview of the NAMUR-instructions
X,y =
Numbering parameter (integer number)
m =
Variable value, integer
Value of variable, floating point number
X = 1
PT 100 or PT 1000 medium temperature
X = 2
Heating plate temperature
X = 3
Heating plate - safety temperature
X = 4
X = 7
PT 1000 heat transfer medium temperature
X = 8
PT temperature sensor – safety temperature
X = 50 PT 100 temperature sensor offset in K
( -3.0 <= n <=+3.0 )
X = 52 PT 1000 1st temperature sensor offset in K
( -3.0 <= n <=+3.0 )
X = 53 PT 1000.2nd temperature sensor offset in K
( -3.0 <= n <=+3.0 )
X = 54 Error 5 response time in seconds
( 180 <= n <= 1200 )
X = 55 Intermittent mode cycle time in seconds
( 10 <= n <= 600 )
X = 56 Intermittent mode, duration of interruption in
( 5 <= n <= 60 )