3V-490058NI – 12/21
- Switch off / on the oven and check that the setting has been saved correctly
Change the gas nozzle with the nozzle corresponding to the new gas, see above " Chart of gas nozzles
Connect the oven to the gas pipe
- Connect the appliance to the gas supply via a local isolation valve.
- Check for gas leaks: this is normative and under the responsibility of the installer. Gas leaks = danger for the user
With gas leak / spray detectors, check the gas lines to make sure there are no leaks.
- Pressure point on the incoming side of the gas valve:
Undo the pressure screw 2 or 3 turns open the gas valve
Connect the water gauge hose to the pressure point and close the gas valve
Check the level of the water gauge for 1 minute. Reading unchanged or – 1 mbar
Check pressures :
- Static pressure (appliance not operating)
Check the pressure using a water gauge
The indicated pressure should be identical to or more than the pressure requested for this gas
- Connection pressure / dynamic pressure (appliance operating)
Connect a water column pressure gauge to the pressure tap, when the burners are working. (all gas appliances in
operation, burners lit)
The gas pressure thus measured must be within the pressure range of the pressure requested for the gas used.
Carry out a burnt gas analysis and if necessary, adjust the CO2 screw of the gas valve for a CO<150ppm
- Procedure:
Set the gas combustion testing appliance to show "CO2 rate in %"
Place the probe of the gas testing aplliance in the oven chimney
Put switch SW1 of the gas card to adjustment mode: put switch 1 of switch SW1 to "ON"
Switch the oven on :
Take the sample (always take the sample with the oven burner in operation). The percentage of CO2 measured must
correspond within +/- 0.2% to the required value for the gas type in the table below.
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Set the oven to "Dry Mode", "Temperature 480°F" and press "Start"
A division of ITW Food Equipment Group LLC
P.O. Box 696
Louisville, KY 40201