Product and user information
for shackles
If a shackle is used to combine two strands with the hook on one lifting device, a looped
shackle must be used, whereby the strands must be placed in the shackle bow and the hook
must be assembled on the shackle bolt. The angle between the strands must not be greater
than 120°.
To prevent an eccentric load on the shackle, a loose intermediate
piece can be attached on both sides of the shackle bolt Do not
try to make the opening of the shackle smaller by welding discs
or other intermediate pieces on the insides of the shackle eyes
or by bending the opening to make it smaller, as this has a
negative influence on the shackle's mechanical properties.
If a shackle is used to secure the top block in a series of rope
blocks, then the load on the shackle increases by the value of
the tensile loading that occurs during lifting.
Avoid applications where the shackle bolt can rotate due to
movements and may become unscrewed as a result.
If such an application is necessary or if the shackle is expected
to be fitted for a longer period or a maximum bolt safety is
required, use a shackle with a safety bolt, nut and pin.
Shackles should not be immersed in acid solutions, acid vapours or chemicals, as these
may be damaging to the shackle. Please be aware that these kinds of chemicals are used
in certain production processes.
As at 08/2011