selecting wood
A properly installed appliance should not smoke. If yours does, check the following:
Has the chimney had time to get hot?
Is the smoke passage blocked anywhere in the appliance, chimney connector or chimney?
Is the room too airtight and the air intake not connected to the outside? Try with a window partly open.
Is the smoke fl ow impeded by too long a horizontal pipe or too many bends?
Is it a weak draft perhaps caused by a leaky chimney, a cold outside chimney, too large a diameter of a
chimney, too short a chimney, or a chimney too close to trees or a higher roof?
Is the moisture content of the wood greater than 20%?
reloading the appliance
Burning wet, unseasoned wood can cause excessive creosote accumulation, which when ignited can cause a
chimney fi re that may result in a serious house fi re.
When refuelling, open the door slowly to prevent smoke spillage. Use a pair of long heat resistant gloves when
feeding the fi re. Keep a small steel shovel nearby to use as a poker and to remove ashes. Do not store wood
within 4 feet (1.2m) of the appliance.
W415-1676 / D / 03.02.20