Two different batteries can be fitted on this machine:
Lead-Acid Leak-Proof Batteries: these batteries require the periodical check of the electrolyte level. When it is necessary, top
up with distilled water alone until the plates are covered; do not overfill (max. 5 mm. above the plates).
Gel Batteries: this kind of batteries requires no maintenance.
When using this type of battery the fuse FU7 (fig. 6, ref. 2) inside the machine control panel must be removed using the pliers. This
operation serves to inform the electronic control of the type of battery used.
Do not fit the fuse FU7 if using gel batteries. The technical specifications must correspond to those indicated in the paragraph concerning
the machine technical data: actually, the use of heavier storage batteries can cause serious problems to the machine controllability and
overheat the drive motor, whereas storage batteries with a lower capacity require recharges more frequently. They must be kept charged,
dry and clean, with their connections tight.
Batteries: Preparation
On installing or performing any kind of maintenance on the batteries wear the necessary accessories (e.g. protective gloves, goggles,
overalls, etc.) to limit the hazards of accidents, keep away from possible free flames, do not short-circuit the battery poles, cause sparks or
The batteries are normally supplied filled with acid and ready-for-use. If batteries without acid are to be used, before mounting them
on the machine, it is necessary to make them active as follows:
After taking off the battery plugs, fill up all elements with a solution of specific sulphuric acid, until the cells are thoroughly
covered (fill each element at least twice);
Let them rest for about 4-5 hours, to give time to air bubbles to come up to the surface and the plates to absorb the electrolyte;
Check that the electrolyte level is still above the plates, otherwise top up with the solution of sulphuric acid;
Reclose the plugs;
Install the storage batteries on the machine (following the procedure described below). It is now necessary to perform a first
recharging before having the machine start; to do so stick to the instructions written in the respective paragraph.
Batteries: Installation And Connection
Check that the emergency button on the control panel is at the position "0" (off). Mind you connect only the clips marked with the symbol
"+" to the positive poles. Do not check the battery charge by creating sparkles. Stick scrupulously to the instructions described below, as
any short circuits of the batteries may cause them to explode.
Stop the machine and press the emergency button (fig. 8, ref. 2); engage the parking brake by means of the pedal (fig. 8, ref. 12);
Make sure that the two tanks are empty (empty them, if necessary: see respective paragraph);
Unhook the recovery tank (fig. 2, ref. 2) from the solution tank (fig. 2, ref. 3) acting on the blocking hook (fig. 7, ref. 1), placed on
front of the machine;
Lift the recovery tank, by making it turn backwards around about 90°: in this way you have access to the battery compartment
(embedded in the solution tank) from the upper side;
Fig./Abb./ Рис 6
Fig. 8
Fig./Abb./ Рис 8
Fig./Abb./ Рис 10
Fig./Abb./ Рис 7
Fig./Abb./ Рис 9