• Study, understand, and follow all instructions
before operating this device.
• Do not use to bend pipe that is currently part of
an assembled pipeline or network. Use only on
free standing, empty pipe.
• Use only on pipe that matches the shoe
attachment diameter perfectly.
• If pipe does not bend, STOP, release hydraulic
pressure and remove pipe from bender. DO NOT
reapply the force in attempt to bend.
• Make sure setup is stable and secure before
performing any work.
• Do not pull, push or lean against assembled
• Always wear ANSI rated safety goggles when
using this equipment.
• Do not exceed the rated capacity.
• Do not subject the hose to extreme cold, heat,
sharp surfaces, abrasion, or impact.
• No alteration or modifications shall be made to
this product.
• Do not use this device for any purpose other than
that for which it is intended.
• Failure to heed these warnings may result in
personal injury and/or property damage.
Caution: Ensure that pivot pins are through bottom
frame plate and secured in position with snap pin
before starting to bend. Always measure conduit prior
to bending.
1. Refer to table 1, select the correct shoe size for pipe
and measure minimum length of pipe required on
each end.
2. Attach shoe on plunger bracket.
3. Position pivot assembly, ensure the pivot pins go
through both frames and secure with snap pins.
4. Mark the desired bend location.
5. Place pipe into bender and align the mark with
center of bending shoe.
Note: To prevent kinks, avoid bending on the same
surface of the pipe for the entire bending process.
Instead, after pipe has been bent to a certain degree,
release the ram and shift the pipe a little to the left
or right and reapply the force.
NOTICE: If pipe does not bend, STOP, release
hydraulic pressure and remove pipe from bender.
DO NOT reapply the force in attempt to bend.
6. Operate hand pump slowly and monitor the bend
angle until desired angle is meet.
Release pipe
1. Retract the cylinder by slowly turning the release
valve knob counterclockwise. Release speed can
be controlled by the amount the release valve knob
is turned.
2. Remove left side pivot pin and pivot assembly. Place
pivot pin in pin holder.
3. Remove pipe from bender after cylinder plunger is
fully retracted.