general description
The Remeha c-Mix is a control module that can
control two central heating groups or one central
heating group and a calorifier. This means that
these groups can be controlled entirely separately
from one another, which results in more efficient
energy use.
To connect more than two groups, you can connect
a maximum of four c-Mix modules to each other.
You can connect a single controller that can con-
trol two groups to a Remeha c-Mix (for example,
the Remeha iSense), or two OpenTherm control-
lers that can each control one group. The connec-
tion between the c-Mix and the controller(s) runs
via OpenTherm, therefore it is important that the
controller supports OpenTherm.
The c-Mix can be used in combination with a single
boiler or several boilers in a cascade configura-
tion. In the case of the latter, use an OpenTherm
cascade controller such as the Remeha Celcia
MC4 or the Remeha Rematic MC.
The c-Mix can also be controlled via a 0–10 volt
controller. In this case, use the 0-10 volt interface.
The c-Mix is installed in a wall housing or a boiler,
and does not need to be operated by the end user.
The c-Mix controls the boiler based on the group
with the highest central heating temperature
demand. The groups that demand a lower central
heating temperature are readjusted by the c-Mix.
The c-Mix provides information about the boiler
and the group to the controller that controls the
relevant group.