This is to prevent motor winding damage.
Oil Level Check
The compressor levels should be checked after a minimum of 2 hours of operation. The oil level should be half way up the sight-
glass during operation.
The compressor Manufacturer's recommendations should be followed according to the type of refrigerant.
The use of colorants or UV tracers as leak detectors in the oil, is not allowed.
ICI Emkarate RL32C
Artic EAL 22 CC
This table is not exhaustive, but summarises the principal oils used. If any other oil is to be used, we would advise contacting
PROFROID or the compressor manufacturers.
Please remember that the oil return does not depend only on the type of oil used, but also on the design of the refrigerating circuit
(drops, risers and U-bends) and the gas velocities, particularly at low pressure, must be > 4m/s horizontal and > 7m/s vertical.
Refrigerant Fluid Charge
It is possible to charge in liquid phase when the installation is under vacuum through the charging valve provided on the liquid
receiver (depending on models).
The charging bottle must remain connected to this valve permanently during the whole start-up period to enable instant adjustment
while charging the installation.
Pre-Setting And Checking of Safety Systems
- Check the Part Wind Start operation.
- Test the oil pressure switches
Check the time delay 120s
Check the actual cut-off if oil pressure drops.
To carry out this test, remove the compressor safety fuses and switch the Stop-Start switch on the compressor to the Start
or ON position.
This way the oil pressure switch will be put under a voltage of 230V
Pre-set the HP (High Pressure) pressure switches (optional) and test manually. Maximum setting: upper limit of the compressor
range, checking MSP value.
Pre-set the LP (Low Pressure) pressure switches (optional) and test manually. Do not set these below atmospheric pressure.
Start-up of compressor
- Open all the valves (compressor suction and discharge in liquid bottle)
Place an ammeter on one phase of the compressor
Close the power circuit breaker or the fan motor cut-outs.
Start up compressor by switching the on/off switch to on.
The current increases to maximum and must decrease very rapidly. If this does not happen, stop the compressor to check and
find the fault.
Remainder of charge
Fill with the remainder very quickly.
An incomplete charge of fluid will cause considerable superheat and so abnormally high discharge temperatures.
Shortly after start-up, the operating conditions of the equipment must be checked.
The compressor must operate within its acceptable limits
(see Manufacturer's advice).
Check on each compressor:
with nil oil pressure (compressor stopped).