This dartboard version of baseball takes a great deal of skill.
As in the real game, a complete game consists of 9 innings.
Each player throws 3 darts per "inning", and the dart represents a batter.
The object of the game is to score as many runs as possible each inning.
A batter needs to run to home base to score. For example, when a player
hit twice double segment, the first batter runs 4 bases and score one point
and the second batter will be on second base. If the third darts hit bullseye,
the third batter gets a home run and bring the second batter back to home
base as well. The player will get 2 points. The player with the most runs
at the end of the game is the winner.
The field is laid out as shown in the diagram.
"Single" –
batter runs one base
"Double" –
batter runs two bases
"Triple" –
batter runs three bases
"Bullseye "–
Home Run (can only be attempted on third dart of each round)
Adjustable Difficulty Settings for BASEBALL include 6 rounds and 9 rounds. Each option is played
exactly as outlined above with the exception of the number of round it takes to win the game.
The object of this game is to be the first player to finish the "race" by being the first to complete the "track."
The track starts at the 20 segment and runs clockwise around the board to the 5 segment. And, as with a
real steeplechase, there are obstacles throughout the course to hurdle. You will see randomly picked
hurdles on the track. They are indicated by the FLASHING light. You must hit the triple segment of those
numbers to get over that hurdle and continue through the course. The first player to complete the course
The object of this game is to be the first player to finish the "race" by being the first to complete the "track."
The track starts at the 20 segment and runs clockwise around the board to the 5 segment. The first player
to complete the course wins the race.
Only the numbers 15 through 20 and the bullseye are used. Singles are worth 1 point, doubles are worth
2, and triples are worth 3 points. Each player must throw for the numbers in order with the objective of
scoring 3 points in each segment to move on to the next. If a player scores more than 3 points in any one
number, the excess points are given to the next player. The first player to score 3 points in all segments
(15 - 20 and bull) is the winner.