Adjustable Difficulty Settings for Count-Up include 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 999. Each option
is played exactly as outlined above with the exception of the total necessary to win the game. For
example, in Count-Up 500, the first player to reach 500 points is the winner.
The rules for this competitive game are simple - Rack up the most points in three rounds (nine darts) to
win. Doubles and triples count as 2x and 3x that segment's score respectively.
Adjustable Difficulty Settings for High Score include 4 rounds, 5 rounds ...14 rounds. Each option is
played exactly as outlined above with the exception of the number of rounds in the game. For example, in
High Score 7 rounds, the player with the most points after 7 rounds is the winner.
Each player attempts to score in each number from 1 through 20 in order. Each player throws 3 darts per
turn. If a correct number is hit, he/she tries for the next number in sequence. The first player to reach 20 is
the winner. The display will indicate which segment you are shooting for. A player must continue shooting
for a segment until it is hit. The display will then indicate the next segment you should shoot for.
There are many difficulty settings available for this game. Each game has the same rules; the differences
are detailed as follows:
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK 5 - Game starts at segment number 5
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK 10 - Game starts at segment number 10
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK 15 - Game starts at segment number 15
Since this game does not utilize point scoring, the double and triple rings count as single numbers.
ROUND-THE-CLOCK Double - Player must score a Double in each segment from 1 through 20 in order.
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK Double 5 - Game starts at double segment 5
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK Double 10 - Game starts at double segment 10
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK Double 15 - Game starts at double segment 15
ROUND-THE-CLOCK Triple - Player must score a Triple in each segment from 1 through 20 in order.
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK Triple 5 - Game starts at triple segment 5
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK Triple 10 - Game starts at triple segment 10
• ROUND-THE-CLOCK Triple 15 - Game starts at triple segment 15