Leather, Rubber and Vinyl Care
Never use a non-recommended protectant on seats, footrests, hand grips or tires. Slippery seats, footrests or hand grips can
cause loss of control. Slippery tires can cause loss of traction and loss of control. Both situations could result in serious injury or
For the finest leather care, use Pure VICTORY Leather, Vinyl & Rubber Conditioner, a unique, pleasantly scented
formula of premium-quality polymers designed to restore luster and softness to vinyl, leather and rubber without mak-
ing them slippery.
This product is a true conditioner, not a coating. It does not close the pores of the surfaces but penetrates, nourishes
and softens the material. It protects against ultra violet (UV) rays and cracking, repels water and prolongs the life and
like-new appearance of the materials. Applied to rubber, this product creates a water-repellent, like-new appearance.
Regular use increases soil resistance.
1. Apply the product on a clean dry surface using a soft cloth.
2. Rub the product into the material. Repeat the treatment if the surface is extremely dry.
3. Wipe dry with a second cloth to remove excess product. Buff lightly with the second towel for additional luster.