Possible Cause
The red light is flashing.
The Eclipse has detected low
The alarm is giving 3 beeps
oxygen levels
every 2 minutes.
The Eclipse has lost power
temporarily while running on
external power and needs to
The red light is solid. The
be re-set.
alarm is giving a constant
beep. The Eclipse is not
delivering oxygen and it will
not power on.
The Eclipse has lost power due
to a depleted power cartridge
(power cartridge) charge or an
overheated power cartridge.
The red light is solid. The
display screen says "FAIL".
The Eclipse has experienced a
The Eclipse is not producing
system malfunction.
delivering oxygen and will
not power on.
Red Light
Your Action
1) Ensure the air intake filter is not clogged or restricted. Clean and replace the filter if
2) Ensure the Eclipse is in a well ventilated area. Make sure there are at least 3 inches
between the back of the Eclipse and any obstructions (furniture, curtain, etc.)
3) If operating in the car, be sure the back of the Eclipse is facing outward in the seat.
4) If the condition persists, switch to an alternate source of oxygen and contact your
healthcare provider immediately.
1) Remove the power cartridge and disconnect the AC or DC power supply from the
Eclipse. The red light should disappear when the power sources are removed. Wait
approximately 20 seconds, reconnect power sources, and attempt to power on the Eclipse
again. If the Eclipse does not power on, proceed to step 2.
2) Inspect the external (AC or DC) power supply and ensure that its connections are
secure at the Eclipse, the transformer, and the external power outlet.
3) If possible, attempt to use another electrical (AC or DC) outlet to power the Eclipse.
4) If the condition persists, switch to an alternate source of oxygen and contact your
healthcare provider immediately.
1) Re-attach the Eclipse to external power or install a fully-charged power cartridge in the
Eclipse. Allow warm power cartridge to cool outside the concentrator for 30 minutes.
2) Re-charge the power cartridge using AC power
3) Replace the power cartridge if another is available.
4) If the condition persists, contact your healthcare provider.
1) Remove the power cartridge and disconnect the AC or DC power supply from the
Eclipse. The red light should disappear and the FAIL message will disappear from the
screen when the power sources are removed. Wait approximately 20 seconds, reconnect
power sources, and attempt to power on the Eclipse again.
2) If the Eclipse does power on, monitor it to determine if the FAIL message occurs again.
If the FAIL message occurs again, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
3) If the Eclipse does not power back on, contact your healthcare provided immediately.
Eclipse User Manual — 17