nextec™ — Predicts. Protects. Performs.
Servicing the Bypass Valve (Re-assembly)
WARNING! Always wear eye protection anytime you look into the Pump Outlet; a miss-positioned
or improperly installed valve spring retainer can pop up unexpectedly. Note that use of a small
flashlight will help you better see and more easily align the components in this task.
1. Using needle nose pliers, place
the bypass valve retainer on
top of the bypass valve spring.
Carefully align the slot in the
top of the bypass valve retainer
with the locking tab on top of the
bypass valve (Figure 4).
2. Push the bypass valve retainer
down over the locking tab on the
bypass valve. Push the retainer
down (compressing the spring)
until it is completely below the
locking tab (Figure 5) .
3. Rotate the bypass valve retainer
90 degrees clockwise and allow
the spring to gently push it back
up to contact the locking tab.
The locking tab MUST be seated
in the indentation in the bypass
valve retainer (Figure 6).
WARNING! It is critical that the locking tab be seated in the indentation in the bypass valve retainer
as illustrated. Failure to do so can cause the Retainer to come off when operating in bypass mode,
potentially damaging the pump, or ejecting upward through the pump outlet while servicing.
Servicing Rotor, Vanes, and Shaft Seals
The rotor, vanes, and shaft seals are inside
the pump housing, and are accessed
through the rotor cover located on the face
of the pump. It is held in place with three
4MM hex drive attaching bolts. You can
access the rotor and vanes for inspection
and cleaning, but DO NOT attempt to
remove the shaft seals without a new seal
kit to install.
Always inspect the rotor cover seal and
mating surface (groove) for nicks or
damage prior to reassembly. Torque the
attaching hardware to 44 in lbs.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6