used: car batteries (36 – 100 Ah): 500 – 800 CCA, car batteries (>
100 Ah): 800 – 999 CCA, solar batteries: 300 – 500 CCA
Proceed as follows to set the cold start current value:
• Connect the black pole plier (6) to the minus and the red pole plier
(8) to the plus pole of the battery to be checked. Jog carefully at
the pliers to ensure a safe contact.
• By pressing the button "SET CCA" (7) the cold start current value
can be set. This is preset to 500 CCA and each press of the but-
ton changes it.
B Battery Endurance Testing
This test detects whether the battery has enough capacity to start
the motor reliably, even under unfavourable climatic conditions. We
put a load of approx. 100 A on the battery while measuring. The bat-
tery is all right if the battery voltage is relatively constant at> 12 V
while measuring (ca. 10 sec). The battery is both defect or over-
discharged if the voltage collapses within a very short period of
time. Proceed as follows for the measurement:
• Stop the motor, switch off all consumers (except for clock or the
car radio's storage) and remove the ignition key.
• Connect the pole pliers to the battery and set the current value for
a cold start. (see point "A. Setting the cold start current value of
• A connection with the correct polarity displays the "idle voltage"
of the battery. If the battery voltage is below ca. 12.0 V, charge
the battery before performing an endurance test.
If no current value of >12.0V is displayed after recharging, the
battery is already damaged. If no display follows, maybe one of
the pole pliers is loose, has no contact or the battery voltage is
below ca. 7.5 V.
• Shortly press the "LOAD" (5) button once, the relay picks up and
the endurance testing is started. "-L-" is displayed when the mea-
suring process starts with a battery voltage < 12 V. The battery
should be recharged and the test repeated. After approx. 10
seconds a signal is heard to confirm the end of the measuring