Safety Distances
The indicated safety distances apply to fl ammable
materials or materials with fl ammable parts with a
thermal resistance of R ≤ 6 m²k/W.
For particularly temperature-sensitive materials like
glass, larger distances may be necessary.
Within a radius of 60 cm in front of and 55 cm
around the stove, fl ammable, combustible, or heat-
sensitive materials (e.g. furniture, wood or plastic
panelling, curtains, etc.) are not allowed to be locat-
ed in the heat radiating area of the fi re box window
(fi g. 1).
Outside the radiation area of the fi re box window,
a safety distance of 8 cm to fl ammable materials
is to comply sideways and behind the stove
(fi g. 1). Above the stove, the safety distance of
75 cm to fl ammable materials has to be complied
No fl ammable or temperature-sensitive materials
may be present around the fl ue pipe connection
(Connection opening in the wall or ceiling). Note the
respective national regulations.
Flammable fl ooring materials (e.g., wood,
laminate, carpeting,) must be protected
with a fl oorplate made of non-combustible
material (e.g., tiles, safety glass, slate, or
sheet steel).
The size of the fl oorplate must be larger
than the base of the stove by at least 50
cm in front and at least 28 cm at the sides
of the stove (fi g. 2).
fi g. 1
Dimensions in cm
fl oorplate
fi g. 2
Dimensions in cm
Connection of Multiple Devices in
Direct Vent Operation
When the ASMARA is operated as a direct vent
model, more than one device can be connected to
the chimney under the following conditions:
Multiple appliances per chimney are per-
mitted in line with the applicable national
and regional regulations.
All connected fi replace stoves must be in
the same building unit or in the same ef-
fective area of the ventilation system.
The inlets for the combustion air ducts are
located in areas of equal pressure (same
pressure ratios), wind-induced pressure
fl uctuations have to be avoided.
The inlets for the combustion air ducts are
located in areas of equal pressure (same
pressure ratios), wind-induced pressure
fl uctuations have to be avoided.
In England (UK), according to the appli-
cable building regulations (The Building
Regulations 2010: Combustion appliances
and fuel storage systems, point 1.25),
each solid-fuel appliance is required to
have its own chimney.