Installation and operating manual
Incorrect assembly!
Damage to the rope may occur!
The rope must never run over an edge!
The loose rope end must hang free.
Do not mix up the safety rope and the suspension rope: Observe
the correct rope diameter (see also Fig. 4).
Roll-off the rope correctly so that no loops in the rope occur.
Secure the rope to the suspended assembly. The rope must
hang free.
Open the independent secondary brake by pressing down
on the manual lever.
Feed the rope in from the top.
BSO 2050/2360: The control pin will spring out if the rope
has been fed in correctly.
Manually pull the rope until it is taut.
Clamp two tension weights (weighing approx. 11.5 kg) in
place about 20 cm above the ground (see Fig. 6).
Place the loose end of the rope down correctly to prevent
any loops or knots from being created.
Independent secondary brakes with limit
switch: Electrical connection
The limit switch will ensure that the control voltage for the down-
ward movement will be disconnected if an emergency-stop is
See Fig. 11.
Connection diagram for independent secondary brakes with limit
The switch must be connected as a break contact in order to
realise forced opening.
Utilise the colours BK (black) and BKWH (black-white) for
the connection.
Limit switch cable with plug connection
Connect the limit switch cable plug to the hoist's control box.
Hard-wired connection
Only a qualified electrician is permitted to undertake this work.
Connect the limit switch cable inside the hoist's control box
as shown in the circuit diagram.
10.4 Commissioning
Determine operational readiness
Check the rope anchoring.
Inspect the connection between the independent secondary
brake and the load lifting equipment.
Check whether the rope enters the independent secondary
brake vertically.
Check whether the independent secondary brake can freely
align with the rope.
Record the inspection results in the logbook.
Functional test
See Fig. 10 (example).
General function test:
Inspect the housing for signs of damage.
Press the EMERGENCY-STOP (1) button while moving
The independent secondary brake must close and hold the
Optional for independent secondary brakes equipped with a
limit switch:
The hoisting gear may not move downwards.
Open the independent secondary brake: Turn the manual
lever (2) clockwise until it latches into place.
Check the function of the centrifugal force weight:
Check the inspection window (4) during every run to see
whether the centrifugal force weight is turning.
Check the activation of the independent secondary brake:
The function of the speed limitation can be checked using two
different tests. The testing method depends on how the inde-
pendent secondary brake is installed.
Method 1: The independent secondary brake is removed,
raised approx. 30 cm and allowed to fall on the (vertical)
rope. The falling path may not be obstructed by any on-site
components which could collide with the independent sec-
ondary brake.
Method 2: The safety rope is abruptly jerked through the
independent secondary brake by hand.
Method 1 (Checking the speed limitation):
Danger of being injured by falling objects! Danger of
crushing and cutting!
When performing the following test there is a risk of being
crushed between and cut by the falling independent secon-
dary brake and the on-site components.
Do not reach into the falling path of the independent
secondary brake.
G905.5 - 02/2011