5.7- Electrical power supply protection
Protection against overcurrents (EN60204-1 § 7.2) resulting from overvoltages.
A fuse or other protection device should be provided in the power supply circuit of the receiver (see
wiring diagram for standard assemblies, item F in Appendix D). The assigned current is defined in the
table in § 4.2.3).
5.8- Minimum and maximum current of relay outputs
Be sure not to exceed the minimum and maximum characteristics specified in § 4.2.2 by installing, if
necessary, an additional load or intermediate relays (auxiliary contacts in electrical cabinet for power
control, for example).
5.9- Auxiliary control
Measures should be taken to ensure, that when the radio control is not in service, another control
system can be used to ensure the safety of the operator and the manipulated load.
6- Commissioning and operation
6.1- Precautions when commissioning
The installer must :
- ensure that the transmitter and receiver identity and radio channel match correctly,
- ensure that the radio channel chosen corresponds to the frequency plan set up for the site,
- perform a final check to verify that the desired Button-Relay correspondence is in place.
During the previous check, the installer must check that when the "On/Horn" button is pressed on
startup, only the function relays assigned to the rotary button selections are in the "ON" state.
Verify the priority general shutdown mode (remote control in operation) :
Active stop:
When the stop palmswitch button on the transmitter is pressed, the receiver safety
relays (RS1 and RS2) should instantaneously change state.
Passive stop:
When the electronic key is removed from the transmitter in operation, the receiver
safety relays (RS1 and RS2) should change state within two seconds max.
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