General; Function; Proper Use - ASO Safety Solutions ISK 70-75 Manuel D'utilisation

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  • FR

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3. General

The ISK signal trans�ission s��ste� solves the proble� o� connecting �oveable sensors to a stationar��
evaluation s��ste� without �echanical stress. Co��unication between the �oveable sensors and
the electronic evaluation s��ste� is based on induction. To achieve this, the �onitoring electronics
induce a �requenc�� on a coil core, which is integrated in a closed conductor loop.
The second coil core, to which the �oveable sensors are connected, receives this �requenc�� and
sends corresponding �eedback to the electronic evaluation s��ste� in the event o� cable break or
actuation o� a sensor.

4. Function

The co�pact and eas��-to-install sa�et�� rela�� is designed
�or use on controllers that are equipped with the appropriate
plug base with proper configuration. Up to two �oveable
sa�et�� contact edge circuits that travel on the gate lea� can
be connected to the switching unit. These sa�et�� contact edge
circuits are �onitored b�� the signal trans�ission s��ste�
contact- and wear-�ree.
There are two t��pes o� sa�et�� contact edge circuits:"safety
contact edges - opening movement" and "safety contact
edges - closing movement".
The switching unit continuousl�� �onitors these two sa�et�� contact edge circuits �or actuation or
interruption (cable break). In the event o� a �ault, one o� the two stop co��ands (stop in the
opening direction or stop in the closing direction) is issued to the respective sa�et�� contact edge
circuit. A ter�inating resistor is integrated into the end edge o� the sa�et�� contact edge circuit in
order to enable the standby current of the entire system to be monitored. If the specified standby
current is flowing, the open collector outputs relays are activated. If a safety edge is actuated or the
sensor circuit is interrupted, the respective "open collector outputs" switch. For increased sa�et��,
both output channels are fitted with two switching stages. The switching states of the open collector
outputs and the applied operating voltage are indicated b�� LEDs.
For the design o� the sa�et�� s��ste� to con�or� to engineer standards acc. to EN 12453, the sa�et��
s��ste� �ust be tested prior to a dangerous gate �ove�ent b�� the controller.

5. Proper use

The ISK 70-75 sa�et�� trans�ission s��ste� is designed �or evaluating travelling sa�et�� contact edges
with constant 8.2 kW resistance.
An�� uses above and be��ond these uses constitute i�proper use. The �anu�acturer assu�es no
liabilit�� �or da�ages arising �ro� i�proper use.
The device �a�� onl�� be used in special applications with the �anu�acturer's express consent.


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Table des Matières