14. EC declaration of conformity
We hereb�� declare that the �ollowing product:
ISK 70-75
(part no. 204160, serial nu�ber �or�at ������nnnnn)
Inductive trans�ission device with sa�et�� switching s��ste� to be used in co�-
bination with sa�et�� edges �or preventing dangers at locations on gate s��ste�s
where there is a risk of crushing and cutting satisfies the relevant essential
health and sa�et�� require�ents o� the EC directives and standards listed below
on account o� its design and construction, as does the version brought to �arket
b�� us:
EC - machinery directive 2006/42/EC
EN 954-1:1996
EN 61000-6-2:2002
EN 61000-6-3:2005
EC - type approval
Notified Body 0044
Lange�arckstraße 20
D-45141 Essen
Certificate no.: 78/780/551696
This declaration o� con�or�it�� does not relieve the designer/�anu�acturer o� the
�achine �ro� his obligation to ensure that the con�or�it�� o� the entire �achine
to which this product is attached satisfies the corresponding EC directive.
Manufacturer and Authorised Signatory:
ASO, Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnik G�bH,
A� Grarock 8, D-33154 Salzkotten / Ger�an��
Salzkotten, XX.XX.2010
Hel�ut Friedrich
(General Manager and Authorised Signator��)