11. Gain (sensitivity)
Basic settings for WINGSTABI stabilisation
The default settings selected by MULTIPLEX for the stabilising behavior of the
gyro generally tend to err on the safe side, meaning the sensitivity is set rather
low. The sensitivity can be significantly increased on most models.
Dual rate and expo may be used on the transmitter as normal. Servo
center or neutral rudder position must be set mechanically on the
12. Important remarks before first flight
Procedure for the first flight with the newly installed WINGSTABI in the model:
· Control the WINGSTABI effective directions of the individual axes
· Operate the directional controls
· Select flight phase 1, gyro off, and also do not switch to other flight phases
during the first flight
· Launch the model and quickly climb to a safe altitude
· Use the trim at the transmitter until the model is in neutral flight
· Land the model
· After the first landing, the affected trim settings must be transferred to
and thus programmed in the WINGSTABI by quickly toggling the flight
phase switch
Adjusting the sensitivity of the gyro via transmitter
First of all, assign a channel in the receiver window. Then, in the respective
flight phase adjust the "sensitivity via transmitter" function from deactivated to
the desired value range. Select +– 30 when using the device for the first time.
Agility of the model: Here you can change the rotational speed of the model. For
first time flyers, we recommend using the default settings.
Move the flight phase switch to and for 4 to 5 times quickly. This will
enable the trim settings on the transmitter gained through flying to be
programmed in the WINGSTABI as the neutral position. You can control
the programming of the trim settings by switching to flight phase 3 or
4. It must merely be ensured that the trimmed rudders do not "stray"
out of the neutral position.
· Perform a final test on the programmed trim settings
· Switch to flight phase 3, heading hold. The rudders must not stray or move
by themselves into end position.
The WINGSTABI is now ready for the first flight with assisted stabilisation. It is
advisable to always take off in flight phases 1 or 2. Particularly during the early
flights, flight phases 3 and certainly 4 should only be selected at a safe altitude.