Take photos
Fig. 10: Photo menu
Record Video
Fig. 11: Video menu
Click on Photos.
To store a photo, click on Take Photo.
The image will be stored under the chosen direc-
The images will be shown as an Icon at the bot-
tom of the screen.
To print/send or delete the image, select the
image in the gallery and click on the corre-
sponding Icon on the right bottom of the
Click on Videos.
Click on Record Video.
Click on Photos.
The image will be stored as an avi file under the
Click on Take Photo.
chosen directory.
The image will be stored at the directory chosen
by the user under Settings.
The images will be shown as an Icon under the
You can play the avi file with the VLC Player.
The videos will be shown as an Icon below the
To print/send or delete the image, select the im-
age in the gallery and click on the corresponding
Icon on the right bottom of the screen.
To delete the video, select the video in the
gallery and click on the corresponding Icon on
the right bottom of the screen.
Take photos