Filter C, G, F, S, N and R(x)
Solid particles are separated by impact and inertia effect, oil and
water aerosols by coalescence effect. Due to gra-vity, filtered
out liquid particles gather in the lower part of the filter housing
from where they are discharged either manually or automati-
cally. With coalescence filters the direction of flow through the
filter element is from the inside to the outside; with dust filters
the flow moves from outside to the inside.
Activated carbon filter A
The flow through the activated carbon bed proceeds from the
inside to the outside. Oil vapours and odours are adsorbed on
the activated carbon. The carbon is incorporated into a binding
fabric which ensures the reliable retention of dust particles.
Economic efficiency of filters
Surface and depth filters
series C, G, F, S, N and R(x)
In the course of time, particles accumulate in the filtration me-
dium and reduce the space available for flow. Consequently,
the flow resistance will gradually increase, which is indicated
on the differential pressure gauge.
It is recommended to replace the filter elements at a differential
pressure of 5.8 psi or at least once a year, whichever comes
first. If the element replacement is delayed any longer, the eco-
nomic efficiency will suffer since the higher differential pressure
has to be compensated by the upstream compressor. This will
push up the electricity consumption and lead to greater wear
on the compressor.
Activated carbon filter, series A
In order to prolong the service life of the elements, the residual
moisture of the inflowing gas should not exceed 80 %. The
capacity of the elements will be exhausted after 6 months at
the latest so that the element should then be replaced.
The nominal diameters of the pipes should be as uniform as
possible in order to avoid creating additional flow resistance.
Reduced pipe sections should only be installed where required
for the partial-flow outlets (ring, connecting or supply lines).
Pressure Vessel Ordinance
The housings are manufactured and tested in accordance with
ASME Code Section VIII, DIV.1 standards.
CLEARPOINT filters undergo stringent quality control pro-
cedures in the manufacturing plant and are handed over to
the forwarding agent in a perfect condition. Upon arrival of
the goods, please check for any visible damage and, where
appropriate, insist on a corresponding note on the delivery re-
ceipt. Get in touch immediately with the forwarding agent and
arrange for an assessment of the damage. The manufacturer
is not responsible for any damage caused during transport.
The housing should be mounted in a vertical position. Ob-
serve the direction of flow which is indicated by an arrow on
the housing.
For replacing the filter elements it is necessary to leave a
handling space of 34 in above the Filter.
For better filter efficiency, it is recommended to install the
device at a preferably cool, but frost-protected point along the
pipe network.
The separation rate and service life figures assume filtration
using prefilters of the next coarser grade (exception; coarse
filter series C).
Furthermore, it is recommended to install a shutoff valve both
on the inlet and the outlet side of the filters or filter combina-
tions. A bypass line with an additional shutoff valve should be
installed so that the pipe network can still be supplied with
compressed air during maintenance work.
Before commissioning install the separately packed filter ele-
ments (see "Filter element replacement").
Separator, prefilter and depth filter are supplied with electroni-
cally level-controlled condensate drains, type BEKOMAT, as a
standard. Please observe the instructions in the corresponding
The condensate must be disposed of in compliance with the
valid legal regulations. Condensate treatment using an ÖWA-
MAT oil-water separator or a BEKOSPLIT emulsion splitting
plant represents a particularly economic solution.