Rotating-beacon lamps are type-tested within the scope of
the German regulations (StVZO). They must be installed in
the highest place on the vehicle and must be at right angles
to the road.
If the visibility demanded by the German regulations (see
StVZO) cannot be achieved because body extensions on
the roof are in the way, a second rotating-beacon must be
Hella rotating-beacon comply with radio interference and
are in accordance with suppression level e1 Approval to
72/245 EG , version 95/54 EG
Rotating-beacons with blue light dome: for all road users
with priority rights such as police, fire brigade, ambulance
cars, etc.
Rotating-beacons with yellow light dome: for public road
maintenance vehicles, breakdown vehicles, long or wide
vehicles, etc.
Mount the rotating-beacon lamp on a surface which is
parallel to the road. When correctly mounted, the beam of
the rotating-beacon should be parallel to the road.
Rotating-beacon, type F
Drill mounting holes and hole for entry cable according to
hole pattern; the rubber base can be used as a drilling
Connect the positive lead with fuse (a fuse unit to DIN 72
581 - 8 A, b blade-type fuse - 10 A Little Fuse) from the
switch or tone-cycle switch to terminal 72 on the motor for
the rotating beacon. Connect rotating beacon motor termi-
nal 31 (negative) to vehicle earth (chassis). Ensure good
electrical contact.
The rotating beacon can be screwed on with the rubber
base included using three M5 screws from the bottom or
using three 4 mm dia. self-tapping sheet metal screws
from the bottom.