• Proceed by carrying out the inverse pro-
cedure to that of disassembling the metal
filter and net of the oil tank
• Insert a new oil filter.
• Apply a thin film of engine oil to the filter
cover O-ring before insertion.
• Fit the oil filter cover after fitting the spring
and the O-ring, and then tighten the three
fastening screws.
• Reassemble the oil drainage cap, posi-
tioned on the motor carter, with the two
oil drainage screws of the tank (if neces-
sary, use new gaskets).
• Pour in the necessary quantity of oil.
Engine oil capacity:
oil change .............................. 1.9 lt
with filter replacement ............... 2.1 lt
overhaul ................................. 2.3 lt
• Retighten the loading cap.
• Start the engine and allow it to idle for a
few minutes.
• Switch off the engine, wait for about a
minute, and then check the level. If nec-
essary top up without exceeding the max
Renew the oil after the first 1,000 km.
Subsequent renewals should be every
4,000 km (15 months). Always use the
lubricants shown on page 112.
The oil filter should be replaced for the first
time when the oil is first renewed, and sub-
sequently every 8,000 km (45 months).
Dispose of used oil in compliance with the
regulations in force.