1989 Westcoast
This is the beat many drummers would play if you told them to just
cruise at 98 Bpm. A straight "perfect-day-for-going-to-the-beach"
groove with influences from modern gospel music and contemporary
pop/rock beats. FvW
1990 Mini Works
All the sounds in this style come from the legendary Mini, built by a
very clever guy called Moog. Every sound is note-off dependant. This
means that the important note-off events become tempo-independent.
Mini Works is built up around this rule, which turns the note-offs into
important rhythmical components as well as all the cool little note-ons!
There are 5 different grooves with 5 complexity levels each. Like five
time zones in a synth clock. Every sound has its own effect in ambi-
ence mode which makes the note-off function even more extreme.
Fave tempo: 95 BPM. Fave ambience: none! dB
1991 Fusion
The inspiration for this busy style comes from some of the fusion
records of the early nineties. MEB
1992 Trance
When creating this Trance style, I wanted to make room for catchy
melodies, so the drumming is easy and not supposed to take too
much room in a mix. Now, if you still think the drums occupy too much
sonic space, tweak the knobs until your melodies become the main el-
ement again. DS
1993 Modern Soul
Straight and very well suited for slow pop and soul ballads. Modern
Soul contains a hybrid of analog, processed sounds and electronic
sounds. LW
Groove Agent