For convenience's and predictability's sake, level changes occur only
at bar lines. This means that if you want to change from level 8 to 11
and move the slider on the second beat of a bar, you'll have to wait un-
til the next bar to hear the new level. This behavior gives you time to
trigger fills (and click other buttons if you need to) a bit in advance.
If you really want to change levels instantly, you should get acquainted
with the memory section. There you can jump between ANY combina-
tions of panel settings in a split second.
Complexity levels 1-15 are generally regarded as "normal" or "most useful".
The Complexity Link button
You can however separate the two halves of the slider. When you click
the Link button, the two halves can be dragged individually. In this
mode, it's perfectly possible to use a very simple rhythm and activate a
rather complex fill. Or vice versa.
You may also find the Link button useful if you've decided that "fill num-
ber 13" (or whatever) is the only one you want to use at a particular po-
sition in your song. Or throughout the song, for that matter.
Clicking the Link button again re-establishes the link between com-
plexity and fill.
Groove Agent
The 25 levels of complexity each have their own unique
fill. By moving the slider to a certain level and then hit-
ting the Fill button, you'll hear the fill associated with
that level.
One common practice in traditional drumming is to
make the sound "lighter" by playing with the stick
lying down on the snare drum hitting the metal rim.
This is called sidestick and here's the button for it.
You may switch between regular snare and sides-
tick at any level of complexity.