1955 3/4
Here are a number of different styles that have the 3/4 signature in
common. The complexity doesn't go from easy to wild in this one. It's
more like a journey through different attitudes and emotions, all in
"three quarter time". For best results, set your sequencer's time signa-
ture to 3/4. SB
* 6/8
One silly omission in the original edition of Groove Agent was that the
6/8 style was missing. There are many lovely songs that need this kind
of rhythm, songs like "If you don't know me by now" and "When I need
you". Please note that you must set the time signature of your host to
6/8 to play this style properly. SB
1956 Rumba
This is the Afro-Cuban version of the Rumba, not to be confused with
the Rhumba (with an "h") that can often be heard in older drum ma-
chines. MEB
1957 Shuffle
An uncomplicated style which can give you, as a drummer, a lot of
possibilities if you are creative. Instead of just playing backbeats on
the snare drum, you can play the whole pattern along with the hihat or
ride cymbal, which will give you a "fat" sound in what you're produc-
ing. It's harder for your left hand (if you play an ordinary drum set) but
a lot more fun! RB
1958 Fox
This is one style that has been around for longer than anyone cares to
remember. Call it foxtrot, slowfox of whatever; some people would still
refer to it as "music". A merry and light uptempo style. SB
Groove Agent