The setup lid
hidden. You close this lid by clicking the Close button in the lower
right corner. Let's open it and have a look!
MIDI Output
One fantastic feature of Groove Agent is its ability to write a MIDI part
containing the notes you actually hear! By setting this switch to the
ON position, a whole array of new possibilities appears!
If you arrange your drumming in real-time with your sequencer in record
mode (you should try it – this was our ultimate goal when designing
Groove Agent), a MIDI part will be created as you go. After this stage
you are free to open that newly created part and perform various tasks:
Delete, add, copy or move individual notes.
Copy any desired length of this new part into another section of the song or
into another song altogether.
Use another kind of quantizing or dynamics.
Copy the entire part, delete the kick drum in the original part and delete all
other instruments in the copy part on another track. Now you can assign the
kick part to another virtual or physical instrument, e.g. your favorite sampler. If
you're using a Cubase drum map, this whole operation is even simpler.
The MIDI Output feature really belongs to the outskirts of the VST 2.0
protocol. We're pushing the limits here. We have no idea what MIDI Out-
put may do (or not do) in every available host program. We only guaran-
tee that MIDI Output works correctly in Steinberg's Cubase and Nuendo.
If you're using a program that can't handle MIDI output from a VST in-
strument like described above, you'll have to use your host's automa-
tion facilities while creating your arrangements. Please also refer to
the following section describing a brand new function: Live <> File.
Groove Agent
By clicking the rugged button
above the little Setup lid, you
open an area resembling a bat-
tery compartment. This is where
the really secret functions are